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238 posts from August 2005

August 31, 2005

Me & Chris

Checking you the pictures from Sunday's shoot

This one is a bit better

Doing a 120an hour, windows open, sunroof open, 25°C evenig temperature, hmmmm, nice


and not a single cloud


Sun on my face, great song on the radio, yeaaaah.But how f..... up does this photo look, I didn't do anything in photoshop , that's how it turned out, all blown out, Sonny with a skin disease, hehe, looking forward to having a phone camera that doesn't do this sort of stuff, In time i'm sure

Driving back

Again, an awesome day, lots of sun,I love the sun !! Looking forward to having friends over for the Barbie tomorrow

Funny photo

Look at me with my little head scarf.I'm in a cheese factory, shooting a catalogue for a manufacturer, I have to shoot a bunch of different cheeses, but I have to wear this hair net ,and special shoes, as it is a very clean, sanitised environment.



And check out the grapes growing in the garden, there are lots of them, and they are really yumy, soft and sweet, and grown here in Belgium, crazy, when you think of the "lack" of "summer" this year


On the building site at Wim & Hilda's, the roof is slowly coming on, floor has been levelled , and soon the concrete will pour in.
How's the blue sky today , great huh !

August 30, 2005

Good Article

This is an article published in the Utah's Daily Herald, and its good to see the editor tell Utah County Sheriff Jim Tracy how it is . It's in relation to that bust of the rave party I mentioned last week.


Unbelievable, who lets these kind of people be in the police force. I don't know what the  protest/march/rally was about, but as you can see in the video, it's not a threathening presence of thousands of people, more like a bunch of 50 people or so, the police don't like it, try to stop it, restrain a woman, they have her pinned down on the ground, then some dirty lame excuse for a PIG, runs across so he can taser this poor girl, keeping in mind that she already has 2 cops that have subdued her, in other words no need for excessive force is needed. This is America, land of the free. Yeah , free to get your ass tasered ( If you don't like violence , don't click )