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94 posts from September 2006

September 30, 2006

Stina Daag


After a bit of running around in Paris I meet up with Stina, we haven't seen each other for a while, missed each other in Sydney by a day or so . So we had a lot of catching up to , and I had quite a few beers.Stina is an Art Director hailing from Sweden and has worked for nearly all the major Australian glossies, now she works at an advertsing agency in Paris, after working for over a year at one of the fashion mags in Paris



Just arrived in Paris for the shows ( I came a day early to get some things done ) and just around the corner of my apartment they are filming in the local cafe, nice lights, can I take them home with me when you finsihed



After our little meeting we shoot of to a cosmetic launch for Armani, it was a bit hoity toity for me, but luckily Tiani was there, so had a few glasses of champagne with her, I had the latest copy of Pulp with me, so gave her a copy and she's stoked to get a free copy of Pulp

street art


On my way to meet Emmanuel again, drop of some portrait shots I've been doing for the next issue of Pulp, and spot this on the footpath, I like it



Meeting up with Eveline Vanassche today, she runs/owns a company in Belgium called Brusselphotoproduction. Basically for the bigger photo shoots she would be employed to co ordinate and produce the whole production, to make sure everything runs smoothly for the photographer and client, good job, but can be very demanding at times. We never met each other before so deiced to meet and have a bit of a chat for future possibilities. Hehehe, she looks really serious in this photo, but she actually is pretty nice relaxed and easygoing kind of girl

New Installation outside gallery


I was wondering why everone just stands there , and stares at a pool of water with a bronze leaf sculpture, but then I realise why, it continuosly empites and fills up again.So I call it, high tide/low tide

September 28, 2006

The 14 Defining characteristics of Fascism

Mike Malloy lays out his findings on the defining charateristics of fascism , well , it's nearly like a David Letteman top ten, except it's 14 and worth a quick look . But then I decided to have a closer look at the site where this flash animation came from, wow, I like it a very anti Bush site, so if , like me, you don't feel comfortable with the current US policies, and feel you are not getting anything from your news outlets, then start here at www.bushflash.com , there is a great video to watch as well from an american commentator called Olbermann, he lets it rip against Bush,finally a voice of sanity ( scroll down and look for the YouTube videos of Olbermann ) and then , this, a classic in response to the Clinton interview on FOX , which I posted a few days back, this is Olbermann's response, a gem

September 27, 2006



Iek is bloggin up a storm backstage in Milan, here she is in a pink wig at D&G, for more go to Anina's blog, where Iekeline is uploading all her shots until she gets her own blog rolling

Jackson Pollock

Want to be able to paint like him, no problem click here, then move your mouse, and click again and again to change colour.....hmmmm,hours of fun, all I need now is one of those fandango super duuper printers

Super Gadget

When I was in the PULP department store, Emmanuel showed me this cool little, well, record player, or is it a toy car, well it's a combi