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I just had to stop the car and take this picture. On my way to Bowraville again to look at a property
for the night
Sleeps 3 or 4 , no bathroom but I slept like a baby after the night before at the pub right on the PCH
The ocean is a lot calmer today, I might just walk down the beach a bit , maybe find a little beach break with a small wave breaking on a little sandbank
At scott's head
And the swell has disappeared
Now find a bed eos the night
Just drying myself of and absorbing the ambience
I feel like I'm on a holiday
Just come in from about a 3 hour surf, pretty hungry now
Looking good eos another paddle after checking out the little country town
Charming little country town
What can I say. I wonder if that's really their names or if they are being cheeky