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60 posts from December 2007

December 25, 2007

Back in Avalon for Chrissy Eve

Going out for a late surf at of rocks at North Avalon, looks like it will be good, had a great surf out there early this morning, nice walls breaking over the rocks all the way to the beach ( high tide )

Not many people out, so I'm catching lots of waves, and it is so pretty out this afternoon

Doesn't look like it on my face, but I'm having a lot of fun out here on the point, and only one other guy out with me, awesome

nice little sunset, getting dark though, and so is the water, and there have been quite a few shark sightings lately

Really getting dark now

After about another 30 minutes or so, I finally came in, and so did the only other guy still out there
Ok, merry x-mas for tomorrow everyone,
I just got my present from Santa, some quality little fun summer waves, just about all to myself


After my morning surf, went back to the house and spend the rest of the day cleaning/vacuuming the house, now, late afternoon, ready for a surf, but it is soo small, luckily for me , the guy from the local cafe lets me use his malibu so I still manage to catch a few long waves, small, but long, so I have a little bit of a walk around on the board while surfing the wave

as usual

Up early at Scott's head for a morning surf, not much swell this morning but, plus super high tide ( must be full moon coming up ) water was colder and there were a hull uv a lot of fish out, big enough to throw on a barbie que, but I had no net on me

Looks like another good sunset coming up

Check your rear view mirror

Clouds up front lighting up as well

Oh my, look at those amazing colours !!!

click on images for a better look

Crazy Truck drivers

Somewhere, after Raymond terrace, this truck just came speeding past me, and I was already cruising at just 5 odd kms over the legal speed limit myself. It happened to me last week as well, these truck drivers are a menace to the roads, death machines !!! Lindsay Brothers, control your truck drivers

The other bad perpetrators of this speeding practice are the Fox fleet of trucks, you see, especially now with x-mas break , there are a lot of police doing speed checks , and speed cameras, but because these guys are from the same trucking company, they talk to each other on their radio's ( breaker breaker, another cop up ahead ) so they know when they need to slow right down to legal limit.
I don't know what can be done, but something needs to be done, maybe they should have a police unit that monitors their radio frequency ?? And catch them out at their own game ?

Norah Head , Soldiers Point

Planned to have a surf  before I keep driving up, as I won't make it up the coast in time for a surf there, but tide is pretty high, and there's a looming southerly change on the horizon, and I don't feel like driving in the rain, so I make, instead, just race ahead of the storm

Plus , the actual point is not breaking ( swell from wrong direction ) , had one of my best surfs out on this point once a long time ago

Cuttings from Contemporary Fashion

On my way up to Bowraville again, but I stop of this time at Kenny's place in Terrigal to pick up my birthday present  ( haven't had to chance to see Kenny yet to pick it up ) And he got me this cool book , stoked, 100 cutting edge fashion designers, a sample of each one in one book, awesome, thanks Bros

Mi Mates , the rainbow lorrikeets

I have about 6 of them that come around now

Well, I do bribe them with food, sunflower seeds, still in the husk

Don't they just have the most vivid colours

Family portrait

Spot the lizard

First one to spot it wins an oreo biscuit from Bryanboy.com

Rocks and Plants

I'm at Donna's place down at Thiroul doing some location hunting, and this is giving me an idea

for a chrissy pressie