New H Denim by Wendy & Jim
Diane and I get a little private pre-view of the presentation, Diane wants to have an early night, and I still need to drive back to Antwerp as I'm off to Trieste tomorrow
The presentation is in their hotel room, same hotel Diane is staying at
And already am loving the 2-tone effect
Wendy quickly models a few pairs for us
It looks like a photoprint the top part, or more like a photocopy, great effect
These are great too, inside out ripped ones
And their campaign looks awesome too, and it is pronounced New H[age] Denim ( clever )
They sure do , I hope it does well for them
Posted by: sonny | July 27, 2008 at 17:21
the jeans look great.
Posted by: Danny Daily | July 27, 2008 at 16:32