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, yes, it is bad, yes, there are models way too skinny, butthen we need to start focussing on stopping all these papparzzi magazines , with "celeb" photos caught on the beach "looking fat" when they are just looking normal. And in the fashion industry things are changing, plus governments are now passing laws, banning images of models that have been photoshopped to a degree where they look thinner/skinnier than what they are. and re children starving, that's been happening or thousands of years
Posted by: sonny | November 29, 2008 at 21:57
what's happening? don't you see those skelletons anymore? this is real bad, somebody has to take action. those emaciated girls are killing themselves and what the heck for??i don't see the beauty in the clothes anymore when i'm looking at starving people. isn't it bad enough that every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger''
Posted by: leen | November 28, 2008 at 15:46