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May 11, 2009

Behind the scenes at Sydney Fashion Week

Patty getting a free massage in the media centerIMG_0391 and hating having her photo takenIMG_0401 Giving Mak and Olivia a ride back to the main venue after Dion Lee;s show at a carparkIMG_0405 Hannah writing little messages on post it notesIMG_0406
and then sticking them on my backIMG_0409 models in the room for a walk through, and Emma B on the leftIMG_0410 And Janka, have to do a shoot with her sometime soon, but Jac's is at the head of the queIMG_0414 IMG_0417 IMG_0427
Backstage hair instructionsIMG_0428 IMG_0429 IMG_0443 Finally food, about 11 at night, and my first meal for the day, in the hotel room


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is that before it went in or after


You need a picture of my dinner that night!

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