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June 27, 2009

Hugo Boss , by Bruno Pieters

_SYD6404 All smiles backstage pre-show_SYD6429
Bruno_SYD6510 _SYD6525 Free shaves from Nina_SYD6529 shaved, get rid of tattoes_SYD6546 Belgian's in the house y'all. Benino & Thomas_SYD6549 Shaved, tattoes removed, time for nails_SYD6568 hairs trimmed_SYD6582 time for a nap_SYD6614 _SYD6638 Hair done_SYD6664 everyone waiting now_SYD6679 Time to draw_SYD6715 and take photos_SYD6719 send some text messages_SYD6735 sleep_SYD6738 yep, poor bugger, probably had fitting till 2am for Gaultier or something last night_SYD6752 lost boys_SYD6777 me _SYD6791 nice shot of Bruno_SYD6811


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yeah, the light was so awesome in this old train carriage work shop, it would have been a shame not to take any pics without flash


so...you like my photos , huh ?

I love these. I was trying to work out what it was that I liked so much, and also why they sort of looked like ones I might take as against what you usually take (is that why I love them? I hope not!). Bingo - no flash.
1st one, and the boys with the cameras are absolute faves!

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