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December 11, 2009

Wilkes Passage, right hander

_SYD3141Again, just me and Kiani out in the middle of the ocean, miles from any land_SYD3144Thanks to Jacqui for sitting on the boat, getting sunburnt and taking these shots of me surfing_SYD3147This, during a little lull in the waves, just shows how far out in the ocean we areWilkesHere's an aerial shot from google earth, showing the location, so that light blue you see, is just shallow water over coral_SYD3153Just the 2 of us, waiting for the next wave_SYD3158
This is a better anglePC060006that's because , as you can see here, Jacs has climbed on board with Ian on the back of the jet skiPC060008So she can get nice and close_SYD3161_SYD3163_SYD3165_SYD3185_SYD3187_SYD3189_SYD3190_SYD3191_SYD3192_SYD3199_SYD3203_SYD3226It is so warm out here, that I have taken of my rash top , and in hindsight, was a bad idea, as I'm so sunburnt now on my back_SYD3228_SYD3229_SYD3234That greenish colour you see in the foreground of all those shots is not sand , it is coralPC060003So you don't want to mess up , and fall of wrong hitting this_SYD3249Salty old sea dog , hahaha_SYD3265_SYD3266_SYD3299Look at all that water around me_SYD3306_SYD3313_SYD3323Surf is slowly dropping off with the dropping tide_SYD3339Paddling in for a little breakPC060042Fresh pineapple and some freshwater, and back out there for a few more


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