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76 posts from January 2010

January 31, 2010

A Shaded View On Fashion Antwerp Academy Editorial Prize Winner

Karisia 01SonnyPhotos First Editorial prize given this year, I know, a bit late, but what with all the snow, and grey skies, nice to see what Belgium can look like as well.
So this is the first time Diane handed out a prize at the Antwerp Academy, she has published them already on her site, so figure it is time I did as well now.
The winner is Antwerp Academy graduating fashion student Karisia Paponi, hailing from Italy.
Modeling the clothes for this series is Eveline De Winter from Dominique Models
Make up the ever so talented Caroline Quirynen
And pics by meKarisia 04SonnyPhotos
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Tedd Rall

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January 30, 2010

Aaahhhhh, snow . . . so peacefull

IMG_5698SonnyPhotos The awesome view that greeted me this morning outside my window. I'm such a sucker for snow. Love it, covers all the dirt , and muffles out all the tiny little noises, so the landscape is quite, pretty serene.And then that crunch crunch under your feet as you walk through it,love itIMG_5701SonnyPhotos
So pretty, hahah, reminds of the shoot I did with Suvi for Cosmopolitan Denmark, we had 4 days of snow storm to produce 14 pages of blue sky ski-ing , hehe, check it out funny. Paul did it tough that dayIMG_5709SonnyPhotos A lot of snow fell last nightIMG_5715SonnyPhotos really sticking on the all the branches ( probably all fall off during the day though )IMG_5720SonnyPhotos I'm keeping the birds fedIMG_5721SonnyPhotos :-)IMG_5722SonnyPhotos off to do some grocery shoppingIMG_5730SonnyPhotos IMG_5732SonnyPhotos Pretty, still, not as scenic as this

CRUSH, the fine wine shop in Brussels

So here I am far far away from that great lan dunder the southern skies, and it is Australia day, lucky for me, did Stijn see my facebook update, and suggested I join him for a mini Australia Celebration at the Crush wine bar, okidoki, why not, I mean , it is only minus 5 degrees outside, but I been bloggin boys 24/7 ( well feels like I ahve ) so I should get outIMG_5618SonnyPhotos
And man, am I glad I did, as I just walked into a gold mine of Australian wine. Every winery ( bar Xanadu, famed for making the first ever semillon in Western Australia, and it winning a gold medal ) is on sale here that my mum worked at, I see Leeuwin Estate, Vasse Felix, Cullens the list goes on, a whole shop full, woauwIMG_5619SonnyPhotos
Our host is Max Allman, and I'm here attending a little wine tasting, I'm not big on white wines but he got us to taste this Sauv.Balnc/Semillon from Stella Bella Skuttlebutt ( 2008 ) and a Shelmerdine Viognier ( 2008 ) that went down really well ( despite the minus temperature outside )IMG_5620SonnyPhotos Ryan was there as well ( the only 2 aussies ) and check out all the wines behind him, then multiply that by about 7 and that is the variety of Australian wines you will find in this shopIMG_5624SonnyPhotosSo thanks Stijn, had a great tasty night. Reds ? Yes, 3 of them
Grant Burge Hillcoot , Merlot , 2007
Majella Musician, Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz, 2007
D'Arenberg 28 road, Mourvedre 2004
So if you want a good wine, and you are in Europe, forget all that bordeaux and beaujolais stuff, pop into Crush Wine Cellar, and get yourself a real wine ( you call that a wine, this is a wine )
They are conveniently located close to the European parliament in Brussels, Rue Caroly 39, Brussel

They said they were too big to fail, then I say, let's make them smaller !

" Jim Wallis - Rediscovering Values- On Wall street, Main street and Your street "

My thoughts exactly

I might not go off the deep end exactly like this, but yeah, what the "bleep " But this is soo funny , and I can imagine people over at Mac watching this , going "bleep "

January 29, 2010

Jacqui has a point, and I wish more people would listen


How About a Quick Game of Monopoly

Coles is not listening to me.

They tell me they are, but they are not.

I know this because when they asked for my opinion, I gave it to them, but it changed nought.

Dear Coles,

Why is it that the only garlic you have available for purchase, comes from China?

I thought we had enough arable land to grow our own garlic here, in Australia.....

and, Coles, why is it that you can only offer me asparagus grown in Thailand?

Don't Aussie farmers like asparagus?Asparagus  Well, I know the farmers must like it, because I buy yummy, locally grown asparagus from the farmer's market every Sunday.

But, Coles, you know what puzzles me the most? The fact that I used to be able to buy recycled kitchen paper towels but you don't stock them any more. I'm curious to know, in this time of concern for the environment, why you would stop such a product? Why, also, would the only paper towels available be 'Handee' brand, or the two Coles' home brands, and that's it?

hang on.....

I can hear a loud noise in the background.....

It's 1000 tiny voices screaming.........


( original post here )

Walter Van Beirendonck AW10-11 Men ( and some women )

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January 28, 2010

Songzio AW10-11 Menswear

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Ute Ploier AW10-11 MEN

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