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60 posts from November 2010

November 28, 2010

Los Angeles > Sydney

Fast forward about 16 hours, which was all nigth time, so no photos, but now we are about several hours out of Sydney, and first light _OZI7182sonnyphotos

_OZI7185sonnyphotos as the sun is coming up behind us, it feels like we are flying to Sydney and draggin the sun with us _OZI7187sonnyphotos














_OZI7215sonnyphotos How awesome are these photos, after about 5 hours plus flying from New York to L.A., and then 8-9 hours from L.A. to Sydney with nothing to see outside, it's definitely nice to get these at the end of the flight.
And this is pretty much what I do on flights, catch up on all the John Stewart's Daily shows ( I download several weeks worth, but then never get the time to see them , except now on the plane ) and take awesome photos like these _OZI7216sonnyphotos

Yeah, back in Australia, here we have the entrance to Port Hacking, Bundeena at the top, and Cronulla at the bottom with a tiny wave breaking onto shark island _OZI7226sonnyphotos you can see , how, if there was a massive North East swell, how those swell lines would travel up port hacking _OZI7229sonnyphotos and hit that sand bar _OZI7230sonnyphotos
_OZI7238sonnyphotos South Sydney National park cliffs, really nice coastal walk along those cliffs by the way _OZI7242sonnyphotos and back around passed the entrance to port hacking and cronulla _OZI7246sonnyphotos and passing directly over Voodoo's, awesome reef break near cronulla _OZI7252sonnyphotos cronulla beach _OZI7255sonnyphotos where there used to be some massive sand dunes, and now just a little lake. Love the plane shadow on the water _OZI7257sonnyphotos and again over botany bay _OZI7258sonnyphotos hard to tell, but this guyon the paddle ski, is near a pod of dolphins _OZI7263sonnyphotos great time to be heading out, looks like they will have a nice day _OZI7264sonnyphotos about to touch down _OZI7265sonnyphotos touch down _OZI7273sonnyphotos taxing to gate _OZI7276sonnyphotos rollers still down _OZI7280sonnyphotos come to standstill and door opens _OZI7281sonnyphotos now just wait for the ok from ground crew _OZI7283sonnyphotos

New York > LAX

IMG_0386Sonnyphotos After my first ever thanksgiving day ( did not realise the extent of importance on this day until now ) and doing some shopping at B&H, it's to the airport in the afternoon to catch a flight to L.A. IMG_0388Sonnyphotos but as the sunsets at 4pm sometime, not many pics from this flight to L.A.

Thanksgiving day in New York, start it with colour

_OZI7170sonnyphotos Again, up early, as my body clock is programmed to wake up this early now :-)
But glad I do, as again, how's the view from my room at Soho Grand of the sunrise !!! _OZI7172sonnyphotos spectacular, hey Tommy, we should print this one up for somewhere :-) _OZI7173sonnyphotos been trying to get one of these sunrises at Avalon for a while, but a lot harder to ge tout of bed there, where as here at Soho Grand, I'm pretty much still in bed hehehe _OZI7174sonnyphotos woauw _OZI7176sonnyphotos print print print _OZI7177sonnyphotos
back to bed for 30min, hehehe

Michael Angel New York showroom

IMG_0384sonnyphotos ofcourse I just had to pop in to Michael's showroom and pay a visit, I saw his mood board for the next collection, woauw, sorry , no photos of that yet, maybe I can give you a preview in February :-)

A visit to Erin Fetherston showroom

IMG_0381sonnyphotos I had an appointment with Samantha at Erin's showroom. Lovely people Erin has working for her, good to see. And then the view they have as well, got to love that IMG_0382sonnyphotos

Early morning view from my room at Soho Grand

_OZI7161sonnyphotos love looking out of the window at the room at Soho Grand, and yeah, after yesterday mornings early start , I was up early again this morning from habit _OZI7163sonnyphotos beautiful sunrise _OZI7165sonnyphotos early morning, no matter, surely is the best part of the day, well one of them, sunset would be the other :-) _OZI7168sonnyphotos about 30 minutes later and the reflection of the Soho Grand lights up the buildings against the sunrise

Wish Winter 2011 Campaing Shoot

_OZI6955sonnyphotossonnyphotos Early start to the day, as we don't get a lot of daylight this time of the yeat in New Yotk, sun's up at 07:10 am and down again by 4pm and with a forecast for rain, we best start early.
So we put Stoj and Pam to work at 5am, yikes :-) _OZI6957sonnyphotossonnyphotos Iekeliene is used to early mornings ( and late nights ) _OZI6985sonnyphotossonnyphotos Bridget & Jonathan helping me out today, here getting gear tour 2nd location _OZI6987sonnyphotossonnyphotos Yep, a bit of a bite in the air today, but does not seem to affect Jonathan as he checks the light _OZI6996sonnyphotossonnyphotos Ieeeeeek ! :-) _OZI7073sonnyphotossonnyphotos
_OZI7078sonnyphotossonnyphotos Ikek loving her new camera, Canon F1 ( no, not some new digital camera, we're talking film ) _OZI7091sonnyphotossonnyphotos half way thorugh the shoot _OZI7092sonnyphotossonnyphotos
_OZI7115sonnyphotossonnyphotos last shot _OZI7122sonnyphotossonnyphotos like Kenny's wedding, we been so incredibly lucky the rain held off , really lucky :-) _OZI7158sonnyphotossonnyphotos bum shot, I mean, last shot :-)

November 26, 2010

Vinegar Hill, DUMBO, New York

_OZI6703sonnyphotos Vinegar hill away from all the hustle and bustle of new york _OZI6705sonnyphotos _OZI6711sonnyphotos
_OZI6713sonnyphotos DUMBO
Overpass _OZI6714sonnyphotos
_OZI6735sonnyphotos Brooklyn Bridge _OZI6747sonnyphotos _OZI6752sonnyphotos
_OZI6761sonnyphotos working out our locations and possible shots _OZI6783sonnyphotos
now just pray the forecast rain stays away


_OZI6912sonnyphotossonnyphotos We spend about an hour doing the fitting with Iekeliene, Stoj ( make-up ) and Pam ( hair ) are here as well, to get a briefing, all is looking good _OZI6910sonnyphotossonnyphotos Sasha will be styling the shoot _OZI6925sonnyphotossonnyphotos ok, and we are done _OZI6931sonnyphotossonnyphotos So , Iek's turn to take some photos _OZI6935sonnyphotossonnyphotos
_OZI6937sonnyphotossonnyphotos Iek ready to go to her photography class now _OZI6939sonnyphotossonnyphotos one last shot of Iek in front of my photos that are still hanging up in the lobby _OZI6929sonnyphotossonnyphotos and now it is time for Todd and I to go and do some location scouting _OZI6951sonnyphotos ok, see you tomorrow Iek

Iekeliene Stange

_OZI6903sonnyphotossonnyphotos my reason for coming to New York, shooting with Iekeliene _OZI6901sonnyphotossonnyphotos arriving for the fitting by bike _OZI6904sonnyphotossonnyphotos The people over at Tribeca Grand were kind enough to let us use the space of Salon bar to do our fitting, as 7 people in the hotel room would have been a bit crammed.
Salon looking great by the way
