Wish Winter 2011 Campaing Shoot
Early start to the day, as we don't get a lot of daylight this time of the yeat in New Yotk, sun's up at 07:10 am and down again by 4pm and with a forecast for rain, we best start early.
So we put Stoj and Pam to work at 5am, yikes :-) Iekeliene is used to early mornings ( and late nights ) Bridget & Jonathan helping me out today, here getting gear tour 2nd location Yep, a bit of a bite in the air today, but does not seem to affect Jonathan as he checks the light Ieeeeeek ! :-)
Ikek loving her new camera, Canon F1 ( no, not some new digital camera, we're talking film ) half way thorugh the shoot
last shot like Kenny's wedding, we been so incredibly lucky the rain held off , really lucky :-) bum shot, I mean, last shot :-)