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January 27, 2012

Brussels > Madrid

CLD_1852SonnyphotosLeaving Brussels for Spain. After the Valentino show last night, I drove back to Belgium. Stopping at a petrol stationon the way to call the girls at Syndey morning time to wish them a happy birthday. So now, after not much sleep , travelling again CLD_1855Sonnyphotosvery low cloud at Brussels today CLD_1859Sonnyphotosonce through that low grey muck, sunshine, feels good on my face CLD_1857Sonnyphotos
CLD_1863Sonnyphotossomewhere over France ( don;t ask me where, west side, is about as good as I can give :-) CLD_1868SonnyphotosFrench/Spanish border coming up, that'll be the Pyrenees CLD_1874Sonnyphotoswinter time, so snow on the mountains CLD_1878Sonnyphotosbut I was expecting to see more snow than this,wonder if this is normal or a bad "season" for ski-ing this year ? Anyone ? CLD_1882Sonnyphotosfelt like a sliughtly sharper and more sudden turn to the right, so I look out CLD_1884Sonnyphotosjust in time to see a plane flying past, it going at 700odd kms an hour, this plane i'm on at about the same speed, so that's an object going past at what looks like 2000km an hour :-) CLD_1885Sonnyphotosbut a bit close I think, wonder what the rules are on that, like, the minimum FAA recommended distance ? CLD_1890Sonnyphotoswell that was close, anyway, we must be somewhere near San Sebastien CLD_1891Sonnyphotos
woauw, another one ! ? CLD_1898Sonnyphotoswhat's that about CLD_1900SonnyphotosI have a feeling we are in the vicinity of Pamplona CLD_1903Sonnyphotosmore the distance of other planes in the sky I'm used to CLD_1907Sonnyphotossnow on mountain tops near Madrid CLD_1908SonnyphotosI guess now descending into Madrid CLD_1910Sonnyphotosnice light CLD_1911Sonnyphotostowns outside Madrid CLD_1916Sonnyphotoshmmm, not sure if I want to get my oranges from this grove, next to that big factory CLD_1921Sonnyphotos


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