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January 27, 2012

Madrid > Barcelona

CLD_1924Sonnyphotos45min in airport, and here we go again, off to Barcelona now CLD_1926Sonnyphotosnice, with the skyscrapers of Madrid just visible on the left CLD_1928Sonnyphotos very different landscape from the north and middle of Europe CLD_1930Sonnyphotos
CLD_1937Sonnyphotosthe lower side of the Pyrenees in the distance, snow covered tops CLD_1940Sonnyphotosooh, I remember this rocky outcrop. Remember it from when we drove past it a year and half ago with Jacqui and the kids, as we were on our way to France after visiting Barcelona. CLD_1941Sonnyphotos
CLD_1945Sonnyphotosbeaches of Barcelona CLD_1948Sonnyphotosbanking to land CLD_1950SonnyphotosBarcelona , here I am


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