Griffith > Sydney
Just left Griffith after another one of our re-fuelling stops
a lot more water in here now, Wyangla dam and Grabine State Recreation area
love these big windows
coming to the blue mountains narrow neck at Blue Mountains
clearly see the trail to narrow neck here and the famous 3 sisters from Katoomba. Ross Anderson, our pilot, was not even asked to give us a scenic flight, he just knew that I love taking pics from planes, so while still taking a most direct course back to Sydney, he also opted for the more scenic one last stretch of Blue Mountains before hitting Sydney's outer suburbs Sydney on " the nose "
turning to Bankstown Sydney in the distance
zoom in lining up ready to land.
So as I said in previous post can;t reveal, yet, where we were and what we shot, have to wait till september ( not too long to go ) but all I'll say is that I'm super happy with the "Hero" shot, will look awesome, so sty tuned