Leaving Hobart, back to Sydney
early morning start at the Cottage ( w=or it is winter and sun comes up late :-) Hobart International Aiport, that's right ! but we're leaving ?
:-) ready for take off straight after take off a lot of cloud so did not get to see anything, till now, Flinders Island I think Yeah, Flinders Island, Emita beach then it got all cloudy again Just make out australian coastline, my guess, near Marlo , Victoria rather white cloud...that's no cloud, that's the snowy mountains, super ! great view of the whole range. where I placed the arrow ( click photo to enlarge )is the runs at Thredbo, and the circle roughly where Perisher-Smiggins resort is the snowy mountains with lake Jindabyne arrow marks the village of Jindabyne really make out the valley leading up to Thredbo from Jindy Lake Eucumbene Lake Burragorang, Sydney love all the ranges all the way to horizon back to civilization, well, sort of, The Shire hehehe South Sydney, going in to land