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February 17, 2013

Meanwhile, back in Sydney

Jacqui has been bloggin up a storm as of late. what with all those personalised portrait shoots she's doing

and then coming along to my productions to be my behind the scenes photographer :-) Jacqui 01here she shoots model Sophie between my legs. Jacqui 02beauty and the beast alright.  This was done back in November for another Wish shoot I did, this time down in Goulburn. Jacqui has the full report here ( click ) with plenty of photos. Jacqui 03Jacqui's new love :-)


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I def will - perhaps next time in NYC again. I would rather meet you than the Sartorialist. PS: pls don't tell Scott. :p

To be honest, I've been posting some of your photos on my blog and tumblr - and hash tagged SonnyVandevelde of course.

Love the N21 and Gucci photos!


Thanks Vincent, should have looked me up and bought me a coffee :-)

I can't wait to see your photos from Milan + Paris. I'm a fashion blogger myself.
Was actually in a few shows in NYC this season and was hoping to bump into you in person.
I visit your site superb regularly :)

Keep it up :)

Vincent (Binzento)

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