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June 15, 2013

Wunderlite Pressed Metal Panels in Bathurst

DSCF1141sonnyphotosSo here I am now in Bathurst, about 3 hours west from Sydney past the Blue Mountains. To pick up my order of panels for bathroom renovations DSCF1142sonnyphotosThey have just been treated in these tanks ( which remind me of the old days of working at Create photo lab processing E6 Film )so they are waterproofed and can be painted DSCF1143sonnyphotosThe pressing machine ( thanks for letting me have a sneak peak into your factory by the way guys ) DSCF1145sonnyphotosdon't they look good, check them out, they have so many patterns available. Ok put these in the car and back to Avalon we go.


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We are happy to show customers around the factory anytime. Feel free to upload your finished project photos on our Facebook page Wunderlite Pressed Metal Panels.
Recently someone used a pattern as a template inside the formwork of a concrete wall.
We like to see how creative people are with their use of our patterns.

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