28 posts categorized "Music"

September 09, 2010

Blonde Redhead at Tribeca Grand Hotel

_SNY0038SonnyPhotos they had a very intimate concert in one of the rooms downstairs, was not familiar with their music , but I like, so glad Tommy dragged me down there _SNY0039SonnyPhotos singer having a go on keyboard _SNY0040SonnyPhotos _SNY0052SonnyPhotos _SNY0057SonnyPhotos

March 30, 2010

Boudicca AW10 Presentation

_PAR8477BoudicaSonnyPhotosAwesome colours_PAR8483BoudicaSonnyPhotos_PAR8478BoudicaSonnyPhotos_PAR8485BoudicaSonnyPhotos_PAR8486BoudicaSonnyPhotosSometimes I just feel so lucky, like tonight, Diane was invited to a private dinner Chez Boudicca, see-ing as I met her before and had fun taking photos of her presentation last season , Diane thought I should come along as well. And as you can from above, again, great collection, but no house model this time, instead, a dinner with...as surprise guests Rosey Chan to play an intimate concert for us , accompanied by none other than Mike Figgis ( acclained Director - Leaving Las Vegas, Time Code ) one word AWESOME.
I was a bit hesitant, but after the performance, I asked Zowie ( the designer) if it would be at all possible to take some shots of Rosey in the outfits she just wore in the performance, of course , Zowie replie, let me just quickly as her. Twenty min later , this is what I did, and I so glad Rosey is so easy going Rosey Click on photo for larger view_PAR8494BoudicaSonnyPhotos _PAR8487BoudicaSonnyPhotos _PAR8547BoudicaSonnyPhotos _PAR8568BoudicaSonnyPhotos_PAR8581BoudicaSonnyPhotos_PAR8566BoudicaSonnyPhotos _PAR8604BoudicaSonnyPhotos Mike Figgis also obliged for a portrait on the spot, nice, thank you. Now, not only is Mike an accomplished and acclaimed director , he also plays trumpet and a pretty jazzy bass as well, which he did this evening with Rosey_PAR8596BoudicaSonnyPhotos _PAR8614BoudicaSonnyPhotos love this shot
For another post on this special night, check out Diane's posts here & here, and do this while listening to the video I shot on Diane's camera below

March 01, 2010

DJ Tuki

and after gorillazzzz, check this out for a bit of a cool hip hop mix

Gorilazzzzzzzzz , new album

About to strap myself to the chair in my little hotel room and update all the backstage pictures from the past few days. Thanks gawd for the streaming of the new gorilaz album to keep my ears entertained.

February 02, 2010


IMG_5800SonnyPhotoslast couple of shots, straight after the showIMG_5810SonnyPhotosTotally prepared roadie ! Love this shotIMG_5806SonnyPhotos IMG_5812SonnyPhotosoutside the scene of the crime, Berns Hotel

Wolfmother, live Berns Hotel, Stockholm

Thumbs up for the flag !_MEN2708Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2735Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2747Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2776Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2781Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2791Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2793Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2818Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2822Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2834Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2850Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2879Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2892Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2900Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2910Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2918Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2928Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2930Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2938Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2953Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2968Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2970Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2977Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2979Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN2983Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN3007Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos _MEN3011Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos

Wolfmother, before the show

_MEN2678Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotosMinutes before the show, backstage, strange to be here,well, I been here som many times before backstage when the fashion shows are on, but now, no models, no make up and hair, just a band !
Aidan Nemeth and Ian Peres_MEN2679Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotosIan and Dave Atkins_MEN2688Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotosMr Wolf himself, Andrew Stockdale, with Diego , his tour photographer_MEN2694Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos
Like how he's looking so relaxed and happy_MEN2696Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos
Ok guys, thanks for letting me come check out the show, now have fun

Berns, Stockholm Pre Show

_MEN2675Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos I was worried I might get here in time after the Cheap Monday show, but I get here, room is packed, support act has finished, and the stage is set , but empty. Cool so I made it in time_MEN2674Wolfmother_SonnyPhotosHope_SonnyPhotos

November 29, 2009

DefWishCast gig at Beachroad Bondi

Guest appearance by former member Brass_SYD2634
I'm having a Peter Garret , Midnight Oil flashback moment here_SYD2635
what a gig, awesome !!

DefWishCast Pre-Show

Just had to get a shot of the smoko room. As there is now a smoking ban in all venues, they created a separate smoking area. The purple room_SYD2541
DJ Vame will be making a guest appearance ( he used to be part of the DefWishCast Crew )_SYD2543
But right now DJ Murda1 is getting the crowd amped_SYD2545
werqing that mixer_SYD2552
Mic's ready for DefWish_SYD2555
waiting in the wings to go on_SYD2561
DefWish with Diec and Sereck ( just out of sight)_SYD2567
Here we go !