50 posts categorized "NYCSS10"

February 21, 2010

Behnaz Sarafpour AW10 Collection

_NYA3619BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotosEmma Maclaren, Alina Ismailova & ?_NYA3626BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotosViktoria Sekrier & Chantal Stafford-Abbott_NYA3633BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos?, ? & Cici Ali_NYA3644BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotosGeorgia Hilmer and Timoxa_NYA3649BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3662BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotosTimoxa_NYA3673BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3683BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotosMaria Kashleva_NYA3692BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3696BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3697BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3700BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3705BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos _NYA3709BehnazSarafpourSonnyPhotos

September 30, 2009

My other half


Jacqui, who has a mad craving for these cheesy doodle thingies from Sweden, ( gsus, I forgot the name of them now, she's gonna kill me for not remembering ) well, she's been looking for some sort of american replacement, and close, but no cigar. But this packet will make it on the plane with her on the way back to Australia


So here we are in the town car on the way to the airport. It was Jacqui's first trip to New York, she just wanted to be by my side and be there for me , for my first exhibition in New York, to help me out I guess ,and also because she is proud for me I guess. And thank gawd she came, I thought I was going to be able to everything myself, and had a few people say they would help me if needed ( they never came through when I called ) So yeah, I thought no worries, it will all work out. Not so, few little hick ups and change of plans, so it really put me behind the eight ball there for a minute. Like the panels, I thought it would take me an hour ( took more than half the day ) Putting the panels up , just could not do on my own, let alone putting the photos up, so the whole way through, Jacs was there by my side , helping me out, and like I said thank gawd she did. If not I probably would have ended up not being able to go to some of the fashion shows. And then when I had the photos stolen the evening before the opening, I had to rely on Jacqui to put up the replacements as I had to race out to cover the shows. But it did not stop there, during the day , when I would be out shooting, she would be in the hotel, processing the pictures and making high res photos, plus sending a selection of photos to Diane, so she could post some up dates from new york on her blog .


so here we are cuddling in the town car on our way to the airport. she to Sydney, me to Europe. And I'm already wondering how I am going to do all this again in Milan and Paris without her. Was so nice to come home from the shows to her, where as now in Paris it will be an empty bed, an empty hard drive waiting for the pictures and the software to process high res photos.
Thanks honey for deciding to come to New York and be there for me

Last day in New York


So this is what the exhibition looks like during the day in the lobby area of the hotel, at first you think it would be better to be on an art gallery, but I think more people, that would not normally see my photos , get to see my photos this way.



Quick bike ride to Lee's to drop of usb stick with the picks of New York shows , so he can put together the slide show  ( click for slide show ), while we are at it , check out the new www.hintmag.com, it's had a bit of re design and lay out, looks good


so zipping around on the "blue bike " back to the hotel

Time for another pancake party


but please, no celebrity photos while they are eating


Jacs tucks into Ieks special cheese pancakes


look at those hands go with 2 pans


go Iek


add some cheese


fold and flip


drink guiness while finishing



ready, yum, thanks Iek


real food


but now with food in my stomach, am tired and ready for bed


And they're all lining up for a pancake

New York New York fashionweek scenes


JD sweetheart of a guy, who is due to find the love of his life ( Do I hear Davide ? ) in the metro about to go to another show with him


Random building shot on one of my travels, weather was awesome in NY during the fashion week


Bryant park, if you didn't have to spend time in the tents, you could have enjoyed some of this instead


J.D. again, this time after Marc Jacobs, tweeting ?


Tim Blanks, in my opinion a bloody good fashion journo, and good for a laugh too


Yeay, Jacs is mastering the art of riding a bike ( this after last years little bike riding fiasco down the Champs Elysees ) was great to have a bike to use from the hotel, and Jacs temporarily adopted the "blue bike" Here after some shopping at century 21


Sean , checking out my blog in his deluxe hotel, right on Bryant Park


yep, I could handle staying here, and the tents are right out the front door , easy

Exhibition Opening Night


Bryan ! You coming tonight aren't you ?


Hell yeah, I'm coming with J.D. Ferguson


And Irina of course


and Joseph will be rocking on, on the turntables aka DJ Bloodfart


the part of the evening I wasn't drunk yet


Sean, Anna and Mark at the opening


Sean Cunningham, not only here to drink the free vodka, but to actually support a friend


Mark Leibowitz and Mr. Robert Fairer. Robert, who shoots for US Vogue, has been a great help these past few years. Anytime I have equipment issues, or run out of battery, he's there to offer help before I even ask, thanks Robert


Lee Carter and Bryan Boy


Peter Miszuk, fellow mad hatter


Blast from the past Della , catching up with Jacqui


Mr Leibowittz says nighty night


Peter with Joseph probably spinning Dolly Pardon right about now


J.D. Ferguson and Sean Cunningham


Jarrad Clark comes to support the Aussies in New York


as are fellow Aussies Mark Cavanagh and April Greaves, oh my gawd, April haven't seen you in years, and Mark, had no idea you were in New York


late dinner for me and Jac


Chrisso, former Av Cat


Tommekke and ...


ok, what are they on ?


JD and BB




all outside for smoko


Thanks for looking after the entertainment Joseph


the one and only Mr Miguel Villabos

me and Miguel


Mak Attack

IMG_4202 Mak and her Kiwi.
well, was a great night, thanks to Ben at PIX for helping me out, big thanks to Tribeca Grand hotel for giving me the space, and Tommy Saleh for supporting this exhibition. Thanks guys for turning up, was greatto see so many people I had not seen in years as well.
So let's do it again next year

Zero + Maria Cornejo SS10















Willow SS10







































Victor Glemaud SS10 Presentation


Mr.Kessler and Mr. Glemaud


more aussies







